Monday, September 20, 2010

Not your mother's PV: A young patient's battle with Polycythemia Vera

Special guest post by PV patient Donna B.  

The polycythemia vera part of my story began in August 2006, when I was diagnosed.  I went to the hospital with abdominal pain and an enlarged spleen, and several tests (and weeks) later I started phlebotomy treatments.  I was 29 years old.  That’s not the whole story.  

In January 2002, I was diagnosed with a portal vein thrombosis – or as I tell most people “a blood clot in my liver.”  That diagnosis came after several weeks of abdominal pain and several wrong diagnoses ranging from gastritis to a pulled muscle.  Back then, the clot was attributed to Factor V Leiden, a genetic clotting disorder that, while still uncommon, is more common that PV.  The Factor V Leiden diagnosis effectively masked the fact that I also had PV until 2006, when I tested positive for JAK2.

Really, the story begins as early as summer 2000, when I began experiencing chronic headaches and fatigue.  Checked against the headache symptoms I dug up online, I found that my headaches combined features of tension headaches (pressure on the back and sides of my head), migraines (visual aura) and cluster headaches (stabbing pain over one eye).  I figured that all of these symptoms must be stress-induced, and kept them in check with over-the-counter pain relievers.

I’ve been on Coumadin since that clot was discovered in 2002, and while it was enough to keep my alive, it clearly wasn’t enough to keep me healthy.  I spent a lot of time in the hospital between 2003 and 2005, and have the scars to prove it.  

Phelobotomy ended up not being enough to keep me healthy, either.  Week after week, pint after pint of my “extra thick and chunky style” blood was drained, and yet my spleen was still causing me pain. As long as I sat perfectly still I was reasonably comfortable.  A slow shuffle was bearable for short distances.  The acts of sitting down and standing up were agony.  It was like being kicked in the stomach and kidney at the same time.  Lying down to sleep was not an option.

So, I began taking Hydroxyurea.  My doctor had some reservations about me taking it, because I am young for a PV patient, and long-term risks of taking the drug haven’t been completely ruled out.  I took it for a year with no side effects.  The pain in my spleen finally resolved, and my phlebotomy treatments were reduced to every couple of months.

Weekly Pegasys injections had been mentioned to me as a treatment back in 2006. Because it was seen as very promising and doesn’t carry the long-term risks, I wanted to try it right away. Unfortunately, my insurance wouldn’t pay for it.  It would, however, pay for thrice-weekly Interferon injections, which I began in October 2007.

Headaches.  Fevers.  Achy joints.  It was like I had the flu three nights a week.  I sometimes felt very tired the next day. My hair thinned.  I never got depressed, but I think the darker, more introspective side of my personality became more dominant.  My tastes changed, too: I stopped putting sugar in my coffee and switched from eating cereal for breakfast to eating yogurt.  

Why did I stay on it?  I didn’t mind the changes that much. What mattered was how I felt overall, and overall I felt pretty good. I adjusted to the symptoms, taking the shot just before bed and chasing it with a couple of Tylenol.  I started playing softball with some friends and found that when I was outside on the field I felt better than I had in years. 

I took Interferon for two years.  The symptoms eased up after the first year.  Now, I only felt flu-ish one night a week.  I got used to jabbing myself with a needle.  Then, last December, I stopped.  There had been a recall of the form of Interferon that I was taking, and I had to switch to a different form.  For whatever reason, my blood counts dropped.  My doctor thought I’d be better off without the Interferon for a few weeks. When I went in for my next blood test, my counts had all risen again.  It seemed clear that they would keep rising if left unchecked.  Coincidentally, a new study had just been released that extolled the benefits of Pegasys for PV patients.  I walked out of the clinic that day with a one-month supply.

I’ve been on it since then.  If there are side effects, I don’t notice them.  I no longer shed more hair than my dog.  I can take my weekly shot and leave the house without feeling sick.  The most inconvenient aspect is that I have to visit the doctor every couple of weeks for a blood test.  Pegasys has been very effective for me, as well.  I started on 90 miu a week, and now I’m down to 45 miu every other week.  Even at this level, my counts are at the low end of normal.  I think that, if I had never had PV then this is where my blood counts would naturally gravitate, but there’s no way to know for sure.  

I feel really good.  I play softball and go rollerblading and hiking.  I still eat yogurt for breakfast and never put sugar in my coffee.  I know that the test results are important, but the way I feel matters more to me than the numbers, especially since it was the way I felt that told me I was sick in the first place.

This is the first of many personal stories from patients.  Feel free to share your story in the comments section or contact me at to tell your own MPD story on this blog. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I am so glad you found the right therapy for you and that you feel much better.

  2. Donna, it's great to hear how well you're doing after such a long and difficult struggle. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure you story will be helpful to other young people effected by an MPD. I hope it will also help all of our doctors begin to see Pegasis as a viable treatment and our insurance companies to approve its use. Blessings to you.

  3. I'm 29 years old and I have Polycythemia Vera - we have been trying to get approved for Pegasys and have been denied 4 times - it's heartbreaking because I have 3 young kids and my doctor's suspects mine is beginning to show signs of Myelofibrosis. I hope soon we can find something that will slow down the progression. Thanks for sharing your story and I wish you all the luck in the world! :)

  4. Hi, i`m 33 years old and i`ve been diagnosed with PV 1 year and a few months ago.I`m not a native english speaker so i hope you'll excuse my mistakes. I started the treatment with flebotomy and interferon (intron A). Initially, it was on the list with approved treatments for MPD, but after six months they decided to take it out, so i stopped the injections. Those were the worse months of my life. Extreme fatigue, pain in joints, in bones, headaches, bleeding gums, unbelievable itching and ,as Donna B., i think i got in touch with the darkest side of myself (irritation, angry, depressed). After i stopped the injections everything was better. Sounds cheesy, but life was beautiful again. With the help of some donations i started interferon (roferon) again, this time combined with Hydrea and Anagrelide. Everything started hurting again. The cell count dropped abruptly and Interferon stock ended again, so now i`m taking hydrea and anagrelide daily. Side effects: heavy bleeding gums,headaches, constant spleen pain and liver pressure. I can sleep only in one position. Except these simptoms i`m feeling fine. I asked my doctor about Pegasys and he said it`s not proved to be working with PV and also it`s not on the list of approved treatments. Thanks for sharing your stories. There are many common points to Donna's story but i tried to be concise. I don't think i've managed to do that. :) I`m going to follow this blog. All the luck!

  5. like Donna I was first diagnosed with Portal Vein tHrombosis, after much misdiagnosis and being told that my pain was 'nothing to worry about', 'probably due to over indulgence in food and drink' - i hardly drink, 'gravel in my kidney' whatever that is, i dont eat much gravel!! anyway i was confirmed as having et and put on warfrain. since then i had headaches, of increasing severity which no one took any notice of despite repeated visits to doctors, and my haematologist, i ended up with in a&e with one, nothing wrong they told me - every few days i would have a short spelll of total weakness, faintness, and have to stop and sit down till it passed, all doctors digracefully told me nothing was wrong. lesson from this is that many doctors think they know it all, dont buy it. anyway throughout 09 i had double vision headaches problems walking eventually problems talking after 6 months, my life became hell, and neurologist was telling me it as anxiety and physhiatric, eventually i was diagnosed correctly ( after 1 year ) of having strokes, and PV was root cause - i spent 5 weeks in hospital, now iam ok sort of, i have very poor speech, am taking a cocktail of medication now, i just have a couple of questions

    i have devloped itchiness - i dont bathe often to control it and take antihist cetrizine i think, does anyone have a better med, i just bought it over the counter?

    i have heard that there are some new therapies which tackle root cause and may cure the condition one of which is pegylated interferon - has anyone got latest ?

    heres a general story which might be of use, though i think if youre on this forum you might have learned the hard way like me, or you may have had good docs

  6. I am 61 yrs old and have PV with negative Jak2, first diagnosed July 2008, after my Brain tumor (Meningioma) operation March 2008. I had 2 blood clots in my legs and hematoma while in the hospital. Prior to brain tumor operation I had TIA's, some dizziness, diminishing eye sight in my right eye and numbness feeling on my right side. I take 1000 mg hydroxyurea and 20 mg simvastatin every evening and take 10mg lisinopril and low dose 81mg aspirin in the morning. I have no side affects and feel great. I do alot of walking every day and some hiking during the summer.
    My concern is taking hydroxyurea, which it is anti-cancer chemotherapy drug. Seems like no one knows what the long term affect it will have. I would like to hear any discussions on hydroxyurea long term affects.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling so well. It is such a frustrating thing that the insurance companies do not want to cover the cost of a drug that will help patients. It just does not make any sense to me. By not treating the patient with the available drugs, it will probably cost them more in the long run, but they do not stop to think about that fact. I wish you all the health and happiness for the future.

  8. Donna,good for you! Is the Pegasys covered by your insurance? If so, what was the basis for approval? I have PV and ET and was approved for Pegasys about 2 years ago. I injected for about 3 months and my blood levels returned to normal at which point I stopped. The normal levels lasted well for 18 months but slowly rose out of the reference range. Now my insurance provider Blue Cross has apparently removed PV/ET as approvable. I am now preparing an appeal and looking for information to build my case for coverage. Pegasys is commonly used on PV/ET in Europe I believe, but that may not carry much weight.

    Does anyone know of any insurance provider approving pegylated interferon for PV/ET?

    To myelofybrosis folks, my experience may relate. I had a bone marrow analysis in 2008 that showed signs of myelofibrosis. I had another recently following Pegasys and the signs have disappeared leading the lab to say that I am "in remission." I strongly suspect that Pegasys can prevent or forestall development of myelofibrosis.
